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$2,000 in spot prizes to be won

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Paddlers from within and outside of Auckland will race down the Tamariki River and charge through kayaking gates to claim a place in the podium! The Tamariki Slalom Race is open to competitors of all ages. Competitors will be given two (2) runs and the best run will be counted as the paddler's official time. Standard slalom rules will apply.

aGE Categories : u15, U18, OPEN

Class: C1, K1

ENTRY FEE: $15.00

race start: 9.30am

Before entering, please read and be familiar with the race rules.


  • Boat sharing is not recommended. If you miss your race, you will be disqualified
  • Gear hire from Vector Wero Whitewater Park is not available for this race

  • Competitors must have Vector Wero Grade 2 Certification to race

  • If you don't have certification, you must get it prior to race day.

  • NO REFUNDS will be given if you are not be allowed to race due to non-certification.


If you are a parent entering your child/ren into two (2) or more races, click here.

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